Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Innovators not Impersonators

Perhtlimobus is Perth’s premium and first limobus company; in 2009 we became the innovators in the limousine industry in Perth with the purchase of Australia’s first Mercedes limo van and set the standard by which all other operators must follow. Lately everyone seems to want to be a limousine operator; with their wallets full and lack of experience they enter the limo industry with dreams of making a fortune at the customer’s expense delivering poor service. There have been quite a few companies which have started up and also existing companies who have purchased limovans in Perth and they are advertising these vehicles as Perth limo bus and Perth limo van on the internet and various other advertising formats trying to cash in on the good name and reputable service we provide. They also use generic photos and photos of other limovans other than their own to deceive the customer. This has caused some confusion for customers as they initially thought they were hiring the original well known and credible Perth limobus. Unfortunately these customers have been duped and many have been left disappointed with the service and limo they had received. How do we know this? As we are the first and best known limovan company in Perth we hear it from the industry itself and from the customers who ring up to complain about the poor service they had received and that the vehicle they thought they were hiring was not the limousine they received, they then realize that they had not hired from Perthlimobus but from another company. Delivering quality service is not just about having a flash new limo for people to hire or promoting yourself as someone you are not. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying all other limobus companies are doing this, many times I have recommended another Perth limovan company to my clients when I have been booked out and will continue to do so as there are a few good operators out there who have always taken good care of my clients and delivered good service, But I always make sure my client is fully aware of the difference in limousines and services provided. But using false images of another limousine company’s limos and advertising that you are someone you are not is deceiving the customer. Unfortunately they way they operate their services effects the limo industry and as being the first and original Perth limobus it also starts to affect my credibility and reputation. So if you are considering hiring a limovan and want it to be Perthlimobus ask a few simple questions, view their website and be sure you are hiring from the right company to avoid disappointment .
Experience the Perthlimobus difference.
Perthlimobus home to Australia’s first and most awarded and published limovan.
Perth’s only Limovan Company to be a member of the National Limousine Association (worldwide)
and the MTA WA small charter vehicle


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